02 4002 4150

EXION® Fractional Radio Frequency (RF) is the newest technology used in RF microneedling to address the skin’s appearance. It uses a unique combination of monopolar radiofrequency, AI-controlled energy delivery, and an extended mode allowing for both deep tissue penetration without needle insertion and a single pass procedure, which means less pain.

An exciting progression with the technology, is this unprecedented ability to deliver results without the intense pain sensation that other RF microneedling devices like Morpheus8 have become known for. EXION® Fractional RF uses AI-controlled energy dosing, which means a single pass (i.e., how many times the device is used over the same part of the face or body) delivers the energy precisely and the device limits needle penetration to 4mm. A thermal gradient is created 4mm beyond the needle penetration, so that the deep mechanical pain receptors that lay beyond 4mm are bypassed enabling the sub-dermal tissue to be affected up to a depth of 8mm without intense pain. This extended mode is used for body procedures, and can also be switched off to deliver precise energy delivery in a single pass without deep penetration for treatments to the face.

So how does it produce change for the skin? RF heating temperatures are generated up to 75°C in the dermal layers to create microchannels within the tissue. These mechanical and thermal injuries trigger a wound healing cascade of inflammation, proliferation, and remodelling of the skin's collagen elastin fibres.

There is also a choice between insulated and non-insulated tips, making the treatment suitable for all skin types. Insulated tips are suitable for skin types Fitzpatrick's 1 to 6 and non-insulated tips are only suitable for for skin types Fitzpatricks 1 to 2. The non-insulated microneedles deliver the energy along the entire length of the needle, resulting in a more profound clinical effect along the entire microchannel wound to the entire skin layer. For higher skin types this can cause irritation to the upper layer of the skin may lead to hypo or hyperpigmentation.

EXION® Fractional RF precisely targets areas of concern, including:

  • Stretch marks
  • Acne scars
  • Fat reduction
  • Skin texture and tone
  • Skin laxity
  • Wrinkles
  • Enlarged pores
  • Cellulite

If you would like to know more about EXION® Fractional RF treatments book your non-surgical consultation by emailing us at [email protected] or call our Care Team on (02) 4002 4150.

More information can also be found on BTL Aesthetics.


Possible risks from EXION® Fractional RF include:

  • Intense heating sensation during or just following the treatment.
  • Some pain. Topical anesthetics can be used.
  • Bleeding at contact locations several seconds following the withdrawal of the applicator.
  • Erythema and edema in the treated area, which often disappears within 24 hours.
  • Itching and irritation in the treated area, which often disappears within 24 hours.
  • Visible small crusts, blisters or burns occasionally develop at contact locations. These typically slough within 1 week for sensitive skin.
  • Pigmentation change, including hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This is more likely with skin types V and VI.
Suitability for service

EXION® Fractional RF should not be used if you have any of the following at the time of treatments:

A history of skin disorders, keloids, very dry and fragile skin.

Excessively tanned skin from sun exposure, tanning beds or tanning creams within the last 2 weeks.

Neurotoxin/collagen/fat injections or other injected bio-material in the treated area within 2 months prior to treatment. Time treatments appropriately if you use these treatments.

A bacterial or viral infection.

An impaired immune system.

Isotretinoin/Roaccutane products in the past 6 months.

Skin related autoimmune diseases.

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Metal implants near the treated areas.

A permanent implant near the area to be treated.

An electrical implant anywhere in the body.

A history or current malignant cancer.

Pregnant or breastfeeding.

Cardiovascular diseases (e.g., peripheral arterial disease, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis).

A history of bleeding coagulopathies or the use of anticoagulants.

Active sores, psoriasis, eczema, rash or rosacea in the treatment area.

A surgical procedure in the treatment area up to 3 months before treatment.

Poorly controlled endocrine disorders, such as diabetes.



Febrile conditions.

EXION® Fractional RF treatment in bearded areas may result in damage to the follicles and subsequent loss of hair.

Pre-treatment planning

Any topical agents that could cause irritation should be stopped 2 to 3 days before your treatment. The treated area should be free of hair.

What to expect

The treated area will be wiped with a cleanser before the procedure to remove any moisture, perfume, moisturisers, or oils. You will be asked to remove all metallic accessories and electronic devices. You will also have a grounding pad places on a clean area outside of the treatment area, most likely on your back or thigh. Treatment times are approximately 20 to 30 minute. Most people tolerate the treatment without topical numbing.

Post-service care

Following EXION® Fractional RF treatment avoid spa pools, saunas or excessive exercise for the first 24 to 72 hours. Skin irritants (e.g., retinol, benzoporoxide, glycolic or psilic acid) should be avoided and after 24 hours mild moisturising lotions can be applied regularly.


Please contact the Avery team for EXION® Fractional RF pricing. A series of 4 treatments are recommended and packaged treatments attract a discounted pricing structure.

For more information, email us at [email protected] or call our Care Team on (02) 4002 4150.

Pairing treatments

EXION® Fractional RF can be paired with other treatments to address a variety of skin conditions. A consultation is the best way to discuss the treatment options suited to your concerns and goals. To book your non-surgical consultation email us at [email protected] or call our Care Team on (02) 4002 4150.


What results can I expect?

EXION® Fractional RF generates heat of up to 60-80°C, which leads to controlled thermal damage in the dermis. This results in coagulation and denaturation of old collagen and elastin fibres and stimulates the body's natural healing response, leading to the formation of new collagen and elastin fibres. This remodelling phase can continue for months, with collagen formation continuing for 1 year or more following treatment. Initial results appear after about 4 weeks and continue during and after the remodelling phase.

How many treatments do you need?

The recommended number of EXION® Fractional RF treatment sessions varies from 2 to 6, depending on your presenting concerns, with 1 to 6 weeks between each session. Completing the recommended number of sessions will maximise the device efficacy. The variation in recommended sessions will depend on the severity of your presenting concerns.

What does EXION® Fractional RF feel like?

You will feel tolerable heating to the skin and likely some pain if you opt not to have topical numbing, although most people report the pain as tolerable.

How long will my results last?

Results can be visible with a month of your first treatment and continue to improve over the course of recommended treatments, with final results seen around 1 year following the last treatment.

Can I have EXION® Fractional RF if I have medical aesthetic treatments to my face using needles?

It is recommended that treatments do not take place within 8 weeks of injectable treatments. It is recommended you plan your EXION® Fractional RF treatment in the month before you are due for next injectable treatments if you have them.

What if I need to reschedule or cancel my appointment?

We understand that you’re busy and your availability can change. We ask that for all non-surgical appointments you provide 72 hours’ notice so that we can reallocate your time. Less than 72 hours’ notice for a change or cancellation of appointment will result in forfeiture of your $100 prepayment.

If you would like to know more about EXION® Fractional RF options email us at [email protected], or call our care team for more information on (02) 4002 4150. All surgical procedures are performed by Specialist Plastic Surgeon, Dr Gary Avery (FRACS). Dr Gary Avery (MED0001633092) is a registered medical practitioner, with specialist registration in Surgery – Plastic Surgery. Individual results and recovery times may vary. All procedures carry inherent risk.